Goodbye 2016

With 2016 coming to a close Alexia is thankful for the opportunities she had this year!  2016 started with a trip to Minnesota, with Creighton University, traveling to compete in the Irene Ryan's at KCACTF.  Immediately following Alexia was the Choreographer and Assistant Stage Manager for Tom Jones while preparing for her senior recital, Tell Me on a Sunday.  Her last show at Creighton was Vive Paris!, a ballet.  To round out her time at the University she sang the National Anthem at Commencement.  Since May Alexia has been residing in her home town, Phoenix.  She started her time back working as a Teaching Artist at Theater Works, choreographing for ages 6-15.  Alexia had the fantastic opportunity as well to be cast in 3C (Connie-Nearly Naked Theatre), The Music Man (Zaneeta; Dance Captain-Mesa Encore Theatre), Rusalka (Dancer Swing-Arizona Opera Company), The Quiltmaker's Gift (Alto, Player, Soldier).  Alexia would like to thank everyone she worked with this year and her supportive family.  She is looking forward to what the New Year will bring!  As of now she is excited to be going to UPTAs again.  Happy Holidays to All and a Happy New Year!  

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